The Things I Do …

Swiss Army Knife

Previous incarnations of this website were aimed at attracting new clients. This version is more of a snapshot of who I am and the things I do, for fees or for fun. Of course, if you have landed here and see an opportunity for us to work together on something, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

I’ve tried my hand at a few things over the years. My education is in languages: I speak English, French and Russian. I lived in Brussels for 26 years where I advised companies on the impact of EU policies on their businesses. Now I’m based in Derbyshire, UK, consulting on the food and agriculture sectors, helping people build websites, and recording music.

If you have a professional interest in my activities, or are simply curious, read on.

Website design is a recent string to my bow. Most of my work in this area has been helping people to get started: I outline their options, point them to online resources, set up domains and email and guide them through the website process. I also customise design templates provided by website hosts and I build sites or revamp existing ones.

For the last 30+ years, consulting has been my ‘bread and butter’ … literally (I specialise in food and agriculture). My focus is on factors affecting the market for dairy and other food products (EU policy, consumer behaviour, economic trends, trade issues, etc.). I provide advice and analysis to a variety of clients in the public and private sectors.

Music is my passion. While I’m unlikely to make a living out of it, music is something which occupies a lot of my time and energy. My greatest pleasure is performing live. Other outlets are recording and editing music and video using the array of tools available. This aspect has been invaluable during times when playing live has been impossible.